CII-ITC Sustainability Awards

Instituted in 2006, the CII-ITC Sustainability Awards recognise and reward excellence in businesses that are seeking ways to be more sustainable and inclusive in their activities. The winners of the Awards are role models that inspire others to follow suit. The Awards are a part of the continued efforts of CESD to create awareness on sustainability practices and to create capacities in business. More than recognition, the Awards measure performance and provide detailed feedback for opportunities to excel.

CII-ITC Sustainability Awards define the science of sustainability performance. Excellence in sustainability is a journey of continuous improvement in processes and results. In the past 19 years, cumulatively, 1271 businesses have applied of which 444 have been recognised. Limited number of applications are accepted to maintain strong competition and high standards of excellence.

The CII-ITC Sustainability Award is the most credible sustainability Award in the country. This Award is meant to be earned.

Apply Now

View Brochure

Video of Awards Ceremony

Uniqueness of the Awards

Over a period of six months, applicants undergo a rigorous assessment process that is based on Business Excellence model tailored for business in India. A team of CII-certified Sustainability Assessors spend nearly 1000 man-hours per application in close consultation with representatives across the organisation. A detailed Feedback Report to every applicant is provided to help the organisations get insights to improve their sustainability performance.

Third Party Assured

CII-ITC Sustainability Awards are the only third-party assured Awards in terms of technology, governance, methodology and process. Detailed assurance of the entire Awards process has been done this year.

Carbon Neutral

The CII-ITC Sustainability Awards is carbon neutral. 2024 Awards was carbon neutral, which was offset by investing in Gold Standard carbon credit from improved cookstoves project installed in rural India.

EFQM Excellence Framework

Uniquely based on EFQM Excellence Framework, these Awards are designed for those who strive effortlessly to make sustainability their business.

Past Winners

In the past 19 years, cumulatively, 1271 businesses have applied of which 444 have been recognised.

Apply Because
  • You want to assess your sustainability performance based on the Business Excellence Model.
  • You want to identify strengths and opportunities to excel, based on comprehensive and rigorous assessment by independent Cll-certified Sustainability Assessors.
  • You want to be recognised as Excellent in Sustainable Business by the most credible Sustainability Awards in the country.
Apply Because
  • You want to assess your sustainability performance based on the Business Excellence Model.
  • You want to identify strengths and opportunities to excel, based on comprehensive and rigorous assessment by independent Cll-certified Sustainability Assessors.
  • You want to be recognised as Excellent in Sustainable Business by the most credible Sustainability Awards in the country.

Assessment Methodology

The Awards adhere to a transparent and rigorous assessment process based on the Sustainability Excellence Assessment Model, developed using the following frameworks:


Awards Questionnaire

Each applicant gets secured access to on-line Awards Questionnaire. Applications are customised depending on turnover classification of applicant and category of Award applied for. The most comprehensive application for Corporate Excellence covers over 250 indicators across 16 Aspects. Applicants for Domain Excellence categories are assessed on indicators and aspects relevant to the Domain.

A Large, Medium, Small,
Micro-sized Enterprise
or Independent
Operating in India, for
At Least Five Years
From Manufacturing
or Service Sector
30th April 2025
Last date to
receive AoI
10th June 2025
Last date to
submit Awards
January 2026
of Awards
Stages of Application
Award Categories