1st State-level Workshop on Wetland Valuation, Measuring Benefits, Reporting, and Monitoring Framework

The 1st State level workshop on Wetland Valuation, Measuring Benefits, Reporting, and Monitoring Framework was organized on 24th March 2023 by CESD under the initiative, India Wetland Coalition, in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The objective of the workshop was to discuss and develop modalities for wetland
conservation and multistakeholder partnerships, measuring benefits, and developing a business-specific reporting and monitoring framework for wetland conservation.

Mr. Sujit Kumar Bajpayee, Joint Secretary, MoEFCC delivered the keynote address and highlighted the need for wetland conservation and its linkages with different global commitments to biodiversity conservation. Mr. Adarsh Reddy, DFO, Mangrove Cell, Maharashtra presented the efforts of Mangrove Cell to build awareness, livelihood creation, and eco-tourism. Over 30 participants from industry and stakeholder organizations attended the workshop.

Key learnings

  • Prioritising existing wetlands for conservation through local stakeholder partnership
  • Developing a framework for measuring wetlands’ benefits in terms of impact created w.r.t biodiversity conserved, water security, vulnerability reduction due to floods and drought
  • Documenting best practices and research on wetlands and ecosystem-based approaches
  • Linking wetlands conservation with biodiversity commitments of businesses along with
    providing training to senior management on ecosystem-based solutions
  • Policy mechanism to transfer nature & biodiversity benefits to businesses for contributing to
  • biodiversity protection, ecosystem restoration, carbon storage, and water conservation.
March 24, 2023