CII-Certified training on SHE Statutory Compliances

CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development regularly conducts online CII- Certified training on (Safety, Health, and Environment) SHE Statutory Compliances. This Training is a 3-day program which covers various topics related to the domain of Safety, Health, and Environment.


  • Capacity building of participants about the statutory Compliances related to Safety, Health, and
  • Enabling the trained professionals to effectively manage the Safety, Health, and Environment
    legislation and related issues of their respective organizations.

Course content

  • Environmental laws and Waste Management regulations, notified by the Ministry of
    Environment, Forest & Climate Change.
  • Accident Reporting.

Key takeaways

  • Know-how of legal compliances as per Safety and Health legislations.
  • Development of risk matrix.
  • Identification of Hazards.
  • Understanding of Environmental Acts & Waste Management Rules, notified by the Ministry of
    Environment, Forest & Climate Change.

Who should attend?

  • Professionals of companies with established Safety, Health and Environment Management
  • Companies which are planning to establish Safety, Health and Environment Compliance
    Management System in near Future.
August 10, 2023
Asha Joseph