Nation-wide study for Resource Efficiency and Climate Change in India
A study of the benefits to GHG emissions arising from improvements to material resource-use efficiency, in the Indian context, is extremely important.
1. ambition to make India a $5 trillion economy by 2025
2. pathway for India to inform the update of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)
3. the broader context for India’s new resource efficiency policy (draft)
4. A six-month scoping study will be undertaken to refine and identify the components of the nationwide study.
Prof. Raimund Bleischwitz
The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources
Prof. Ernst von Weizsäcker
Club of Rome
Dr. Peder Jensen
Head of Secretariat
The International Resource Panel
Dr. Dieter Mutz
Team Leader
EU-Resource Efficiency Initiative Project